Most of the people know what a CCTV (Closed Circuit Television) system is. It comprises of a number of cameras connected to a viewing device and or a Digital Video Recorder.
Most of the people know what a CCTV (Closed Circuit Television) system is. It comprises of a number of cameras connected to a viewing device and or a Digital Video Recorder.
24hr surveillance with high definition images or something of a lighter technology
If you are using a large number of cameras, you will require Multiple DVR units for CCTV inputs.
Global Focus Enterprises is a distributor of a full-line of closed circuit television (CCTV) systems, including design and integration.
This first thing that you require to set-up a CCTV system is suitable equipment. You must have a few things clear as to what kind of recording you want and the area you would want to cover. Do you need 24hr surveillance with high definition images or something of a lighter technology will do? The color cameras provide a clearer image than the black and white cameras.
The second step would be to place the cameras in a way so that they cover maximum area for surveillance. See that the display angles of the camera overlap a bit and that you avoid the blind spots while placing the cameras. Make use of a camera housing if it is exposed to elements. If you want a lesser coverage of the surveillance area, hide the cameras behind the face plates that are specially constructed for the purpose.
Connect the CCTV system to a central monitor and choose your recording device. It could be a DVR. If you are using a large number of cameras, you will require Multiple DVR units for CCTV inputs. For viewing the recording of all the cameras at once make sure you have the required Hard Disk system is of the right size. The analog input of cameras is connected with DVR Having Ethernet Facility which can be connected to Router or Switch
To build trust View-Cam offers an exclusive money back terms for all security system products equipment. We shall take back the equipment within 10 days of commissioning in case you are not satisfied with the quality.